Feb 28, 2013

life-changing secrets of the most successful happiest

The human brain, as a whole, may be a truly fascinating specimen, but the real "star" of the show is perhaps the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is responsible for a myriad of bodily processes that, truthfully, would boggle your mind if you had to consciously ensure that each of these processes was not neglected.

Whether it is regulating your heartbeat, or blinking to constantly moisten your eyes, or to play chemist to your digestive system, your subconscious mind runs like an ultra-sophisticated computer that perpetually ensures all vital functions run as smoothly, and as seamlessly, as possible.

But apart from being the "maintenance man" to your body, your subconscious mind also works as a data repository, storing away memories and experiences and processes that your conscious mind deems important. It works around the clock, even as you sleep, and automates certain tasks for you, so you don't have to consciously manage them, like waking up every morning at a specific time so you are not left waking up at random hours.

The subconscious mind can be more than just an internal alarm clock, believe it not. Have you ever had a particular dilemma, only to have someone tell you that perhaps you should "sleep on it?" And then somehow when you wake the next morning, you are struck with an idea or inspiration that would resolve the dilemma which had troubled you the night before? This is the subconscious at work.

Although the subconscious is not capable of rational decisions, remember that the subconscious mind also serves as a repository of information. The subconscious may try and match relevant information that it has stored over the years, and upon your awakening, it relays the information it has to your conscious mind, which then engages in the analysis and rationalization of the information it receives, resulting in a "Eureka" moment when the answer to the dilemma is found.

Feel free to try it for yourself. Give your subconscious a problem to solve before you go to bed. Ponder over the issue at hand, focus on it, and then go to sleep. Chances are you will be able to "stumble upon" an answer in the morning.

Even though you require sleep to ensure a healthy mind and body, your subconscious never sleeps. Instead, it is constantly providing you with a treasure trove of inspiration, aspirations, ideas, solutions and motivation. Not a lot of people are aware of this fact, but the world renowned painting 'Mona Lisa' by Renaissance artist Leonardo Da Vinci, was the result of the famous painter's subconscious.

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