Bonita Richter

In a conversation with one of my potential clients, she said to me-
"I'm busy doing things in my business all the time. But, I'm not sure if what I'm doing are the right things to grow my business. My vision feels scattered and unfocused. And, my income is really suffering."
If you ever feel like this, and your sales and income aren't "trending up" or are where you want them to be, there may be a culprit at work.
This culprit is often a lack of focus and aligned action to achieve your vision.
To gain clarity and achieve a vision, we have to figure out what to do, and what steps to take.
Most importantly, these steps have to be aligned with our vision and goals.
I love strategy and systems. Having a plan and process is absolutely critical to success...
... however, what good is a map, a plan,if you aren't super-clear about what you want to accomplish, or you don't have a passionate purpose, or know where you're headed?
Trying to figure out how to get somewhere without having clarity of vision is what fosters self doubt, indecision about making the "right" choices, and procrastination.
Following are two easy steps you can take immediately to gain clarity about what you want to accomplish, and how you're going to do it:
Step 1: Align Your Actions with Your Future Memory
Put everything down for a moment. Close your eyes. I want you to see an image of yourself 3 years from now. We will call this a Future Memory. To get to this Future Memory 3 years from now, envision there is a beam of light that radiates out from your body, and this beam connects you to you 3 years from now. This beam is an energetic connection to you, 3 years from now.
Notice where you are, where in the world are you? Notice what you smell, feel, taste anything, and see around you. Notice the things you can't see, what's going on in your life? What are you doing? How are you being? What's happening in your life? What do you notice? This is your orientation toward what you desire, a vision you have for yourself, sights smells, sounds, and feelings.
To bring yourself back to the present moment, follow this beam of light back to your present self, in the room where you are now.
This was a short journey, and you may not have seen all the details. This is okay; for the purpose of this exercise you did see something, and this is awesome. Right now, I want you to take a moment and write down what you saw on your journey; write down the details you saw.
You can't achieve your passionate vision unless you are energetically aligned with your future vision.
You can take action all day long, and not ever move closer to getting there. Visualizing your future and then mapping out the small milestone steps is the key to success.
How do you know if you are taking the right actions? You feel it. Once you see your Future Memory, everything you do that is aligned with your vision will pull you toward it, you'll feel it.
When you step off the path, you'll intuitively know that this is not the way. You'll feel a resistance, you'll feel something "isn't right". When you are moving closer to what you want, when you're taking the right actions, you will feel a sense of energetic alignment. Step off the path, it's hard to quantify, but you'll feel it and know it that this way is not the right way.
Now, from what you wrote down, what is the first step you think you must take to achieve your vision? What is the second step? This is aligned action, and will help you gain clarity of your vision, and the steps how to accomplish it.
Step 2: Map it Out
Write down a goal, something you'd like to have or have happen.
Next, in relation to that goal, where are you in your life now? How are you doing? Do you want a business that breaks through the 6-figure mark? How are you doing with achieving that goal? Do you want to lose 30 pounds? What are the simple facts of your life right now?
Don't dramatize, just be factual.
Next, I want you to think about this journey to your goal, and break it down into smaller pieces.
For example, if you want to lose 30 pounds, think about some milestones along the way to losing 30 pounds:
· Milestone 1 could be starting to exercise 3x per week by week 4
· Milestone 2 could be cutting calories by 250 calories per day by week 5
· Milestone 3 is losing 8 pounds by week 8 or being down one dress size
If you want to grow your business to $100,000, break it down into milestones:
· Milestone 1 is to have 1 private clients at $5,000 in the next 4 weeks
· Milestone 2 is to get 2 private clients at $5,000 each the second month
· Milestone 3 is to get another 2 private clients at $5,000 each the third month
There are many ways you can break down big goals into smaller goals. Building a 6-figure business may seem overwhelming, until you break it down into the smaller steps.
Right now, I invite you to think of your big goal, and start writing down a series of milestones. Don't make them too big or too far in the future. Milestones can be anywhere from 1 day to 1 week to 1 month out, no more time than that. Write down whatever feels right to you. These milestones are landmarks along the way to let you know you are on the path.
Visualizing your future, and then mapping it out into the smaller pieces, will ensure you are taking focused, aligned action toward reaching your goals!

In a conversation with one of my potential clients, she said to me-
"I'm busy doing things in my business all the time. But, I'm not sure if what I'm doing are the right things to grow my business. My vision feels scattered and unfocused. And, my income is really suffering."
If you ever feel like this, and your sales and income aren't "trending up" or are where you want them to be, there may be a culprit at work.
This culprit is often a lack of focus and aligned action to achieve your vision.
To gain clarity and achieve a vision, we have to figure out what to do, and what steps to take.
Most importantly, these steps have to be aligned with our vision and goals.
I love strategy and systems. Having a plan and process is absolutely critical to success...
... however, what good is a map, a plan,if you aren't super-clear about what you want to accomplish, or you don't have a passionate purpose, or know where you're headed?
Trying to figure out how to get somewhere without having clarity of vision is what fosters self doubt, indecision about making the "right" choices, and procrastination.
Following are two easy steps you can take immediately to gain clarity about what you want to accomplish, and how you're going to do it:
Step 1: Align Your Actions with Your Future Memory
Put everything down for a moment. Close your eyes. I want you to see an image of yourself 3 years from now. We will call this a Future Memory. To get to this Future Memory 3 years from now, envision there is a beam of light that radiates out from your body, and this beam connects you to you 3 years from now. This beam is an energetic connection to you, 3 years from now.
Notice where you are, where in the world are you? Notice what you smell, feel, taste anything, and see around you. Notice the things you can't see, what's going on in your life? What are you doing? How are you being? What's happening in your life? What do you notice? This is your orientation toward what you desire, a vision you have for yourself, sights smells, sounds, and feelings.
To bring yourself back to the present moment, follow this beam of light back to your present self, in the room where you are now.
This was a short journey, and you may not have seen all the details. This is okay; for the purpose of this exercise you did see something, and this is awesome. Right now, I want you to take a moment and write down what you saw on your journey; write down the details you saw.
You can't achieve your passionate vision unless you are energetically aligned with your future vision.
You can take action all day long, and not ever move closer to getting there. Visualizing your future and then mapping out the small milestone steps is the key to success.
How do you know if you are taking the right actions? You feel it. Once you see your Future Memory, everything you do that is aligned with your vision will pull you toward it, you'll feel it.
When you step off the path, you'll intuitively know that this is not the way. You'll feel a resistance, you'll feel something "isn't right". When you are moving closer to what you want, when you're taking the right actions, you will feel a sense of energetic alignment. Step off the path, it's hard to quantify, but you'll feel it and know it that this way is not the right way.
Now, from what you wrote down, what is the first step you think you must take to achieve your vision? What is the second step? This is aligned action, and will help you gain clarity of your vision, and the steps how to accomplish it.
Step 2: Map it Out
Write down a goal, something you'd like to have or have happen.
Next, in relation to that goal, where are you in your life now? How are you doing? Do you want a business that breaks through the 6-figure mark? How are you doing with achieving that goal? Do you want to lose 30 pounds? What are the simple facts of your life right now?
Don't dramatize, just be factual.
Next, I want you to think about this journey to your goal, and break it down into smaller pieces.
For example, if you want to lose 30 pounds, think about some milestones along the way to losing 30 pounds:
· Milestone 1 could be starting to exercise 3x per week by week 4
· Milestone 2 could be cutting calories by 250 calories per day by week 5
· Milestone 3 is losing 8 pounds by week 8 or being down one dress size
If you want to grow your business to $100,000, break it down into milestones:
· Milestone 1 is to have 1 private clients at $5,000 in the next 4 weeks
· Milestone 2 is to get 2 private clients at $5,000 each the second month
· Milestone 3 is to get another 2 private clients at $5,000 each the third month
There are many ways you can break down big goals into smaller goals. Building a 6-figure business may seem overwhelming, until you break it down into the smaller steps.
Right now, I invite you to think of your big goal, and start writing down a series of milestones. Don't make them too big or too far in the future. Milestones can be anywhere from 1 day to 1 week to 1 month out, no more time than that. Write down whatever feels right to you. These milestones are landmarks along the way to let you know you are on the path.
Visualizing your future, and then mapping it out into the smaller pieces, will ensure you are taking focused, aligned action toward reaching your goals!
Bonita Richter, MBA mentors women entrepreneurs how to design a
highly-profitable business with her business, marketing and branding
strategies and systems. Get her FREE eBook, "5 Best Strategies for
Quickly Getting New Clients" and other resources at ===>
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