Phyllis Edson
Social media sites are a great way to promote your business'
special events. Use these 5 tips to use social media to help make your
next special event a huge success.
Promote the event using your existing social media sites. There are a number of ways to do this. Blog about it on your business' website and/or blog. On Facebook not only can you post information on your business' Facebook page but you can create an event page also. Then, encourage your Facebook followers to "like" that page. On Twitter, you can tweet about the event and encourage your followers to "retweet" it. That will multiply the number of people who see it. Also, create a hashtag for it on Twitter. Be sure to utilize whatever social media sites your business currently uses to promote your event. Then, after the event, add another social media site to your marketing plan so that you have another one ready to go for next time.
Ask current customers to help promote the event using social media. For instance, invite your current clients or customers to "like" the event on your Facebook page. Also, ask them to tweet about it to their followers.
Utilize your auto-responder. Don't forget to e-mail your client list, preferably using an auto-responder, and remind them of the event in the weeks leading up to it. Start with a "Save the Date" announcement and follow-up, follow-up, follow-up.
Promote the event during the event. Be sure to share photos, videos, tweets and Facebook posts during the event. This is especially helpful if the event lasts more than one day. People may see your photos from Friday and decide to come out on Saturday. Even if the event is only one day, by posting during the event, you build excitement for the next time.
Talk about the event afterwards. Be sure to talk about the success of your event afterwards in your blog, tweets, Facebook posts and others. Also, include those photos and videos on your social media sites after the event. This will help build interest for the next event. Be sure to repost those photos and videos in the weeks leading up to the next event.
These 5 tips will help you reach out to current and new clients so that you can promote your business' events successfully. Promoting today's event will help generate interest in your business tomorrow and into the future.

Promote the event using your existing social media sites. There are a number of ways to do this. Blog about it on your business' website and/or blog. On Facebook not only can you post information on your business' Facebook page but you can create an event page also. Then, encourage your Facebook followers to "like" that page. On Twitter, you can tweet about the event and encourage your followers to "retweet" it. That will multiply the number of people who see it. Also, create a hashtag for it on Twitter. Be sure to utilize whatever social media sites your business currently uses to promote your event. Then, after the event, add another social media site to your marketing plan so that you have another one ready to go for next time.
Ask current customers to help promote the event using social media. For instance, invite your current clients or customers to "like" the event on your Facebook page. Also, ask them to tweet about it to their followers.
Utilize your auto-responder. Don't forget to e-mail your client list, preferably using an auto-responder, and remind them of the event in the weeks leading up to it. Start with a "Save the Date" announcement and follow-up, follow-up, follow-up.
Promote the event during the event. Be sure to share photos, videos, tweets and Facebook posts during the event. This is especially helpful if the event lasts more than one day. People may see your photos from Friday and decide to come out on Saturday. Even if the event is only one day, by posting during the event, you build excitement for the next time.
Talk about the event afterwards. Be sure to talk about the success of your event afterwards in your blog, tweets, Facebook posts and others. Also, include those photos and videos on your social media sites after the event. This will help build interest for the next event. Be sure to repost those photos and videos in the weeks leading up to the next event.
These 5 tips will help you reach out to current and new clients so that you can promote your business' events successfully. Promoting today's event will help generate interest in your business tomorrow and into the future.
Freelance writer Phyllis Edson offers a variety of services to
help you market your business online. For more information, visit her
website at
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