Weight sneaks up on you: suddenly you're five, ten or 50 pounds
overweight. How did it happen? Here's a weight loss secret: the weight
piled on because of the power of habit. You can use the power of habit
to lose weight, too.
Using habit to lose weight is a great strategy if you're a yoyo dieter.
In this article we'll look at what makes habits, and how you can use that knowledge to lose weight and keep it off forever.
The Power Of Habit Controls Your Mind And Body - In a Good Way
We're all creatures of habit. This is a good thing. Without habits, we'd have to think every moment of every day about what we're doing, and what to do next. For example, when you start a new job, it takes around four days for you to feel comfortable. You've started to develop some comfortable habits after four days - you know what the job entails now.
Our habits aren't just in our mind: they're in our body too. When we repeatedly do something, it forms tracks in our brain, and our body learns to respond instantly. Think about playing tennis, or touch typing - your body has learned to respond in certain ways, automatically. A ball comes at you, and you return it; you don't need to think about where you put your fingers to type an email message - your body knows.
Lose Weight With Just One Tiny Good Weight Loss Habit At A Time
We form habits by repeating behavior until it becomes habitual. We can apply that information to losing weight.
The key is not to focus on bad habits - the love you have for junk food, or watching TV for hours while munching snacks. Changing and eliminating bad habits doesn't work without a lot of effort and willpower: how many New Year's resolutions are you keeping in February? There's an easier way.
All you have to do is form ONE good weight loss habit. Just one. You may decide to drink more water, or eat more salads, or eat a sustaining breakfast so you don't consume junk food at mid-morning. It doesn't matter what the new good habit is. Choose it, and follow the action for four days.
It's been said that you need 21 days to form a habit, and that's true. However, four days is enough time for you to see how it's working for you. The first thing you'll see is that it's easy, and it becomes even easier.
As you focus on instilling new good habits, the bad habits which caused you to gain weight will disappear. You'll lose weight without even realizing it, and completely painlessly. Use the power of habit to lose weight: it's powerful.
Using habit to lose weight is a great strategy if you're a yoyo dieter.
In this article we'll look at what makes habits, and how you can use that knowledge to lose weight and keep it off forever.
The Power Of Habit Controls Your Mind And Body - In a Good Way
We're all creatures of habit. This is a good thing. Without habits, we'd have to think every moment of every day about what we're doing, and what to do next. For example, when you start a new job, it takes around four days for you to feel comfortable. You've started to develop some comfortable habits after four days - you know what the job entails now.
Our habits aren't just in our mind: they're in our body too. When we repeatedly do something, it forms tracks in our brain, and our body learns to respond instantly. Think about playing tennis, or touch typing - your body has learned to respond in certain ways, automatically. A ball comes at you, and you return it; you don't need to think about where you put your fingers to type an email message - your body knows.
Lose Weight With Just One Tiny Good Weight Loss Habit At A Time
We form habits by repeating behavior until it becomes habitual. We can apply that information to losing weight.
The key is not to focus on bad habits - the love you have for junk food, or watching TV for hours while munching snacks. Changing and eliminating bad habits doesn't work without a lot of effort and willpower: how many New Year's resolutions are you keeping in February? There's an easier way.
All you have to do is form ONE good weight loss habit. Just one. You may decide to drink more water, or eat more salads, or eat a sustaining breakfast so you don't consume junk food at mid-morning. It doesn't matter what the new good habit is. Choose it, and follow the action for four days.
It's been said that you need 21 days to form a habit, and that's true. However, four days is enough time for you to see how it's working for you. The first thing you'll see is that it's easy, and it becomes even easier.
As you focus on instilling new good habits, the bad habits which caused you to gain weight will disappear. You'll lose weight without even realizing it, and completely painlessly. Use the power of habit to lose weight: it's powerful.
You can get healthy and lose weight for good. Visit 30 Day Slimmer at http://www.30dayslimmer.com/ for information on healthy diets and successful weight loss, and Top Metabolism at http://www.topmetabolism.com/ for advice on boosting your metabolism. The 30 Day Slimmer Blog at http://www.30dayslimmer.com/blog/ gives you daily advice on making weight loss fast, easy and fun.
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