Mar 1, 2013

The Law of Forgiveness - Can It Really Help You Manifest Goals?

I recently became a Certified Law of Attraction Coach and one of my final exam questions was on Forgiveness and how important it is to achieving and manifesting our goals!

Forgiveness plays a very large role in the Law of Attraction, more so then we believe!

When we are unable to forgive someone for something they did to us in our past, we create negative thoughts and energy. These negative thoughts block us from attracting anything positive into our lives; therefore, making it hard or impossible to manifest any goals or desires.

One way to improve your ability to forgive someone is to "let go" of personal judgment. Society tells us that we must punish for wrong doings and so we create beliefs that do not serve us. Beliefs taught to us by our parents, peers, teachers, media and like...

These beliefs teach us that when we punish and hold on to anger we are the ones that WIN... what actually happens is the complete opposite of what we are taught. We cannot be successful, happy, or live the life we so desire because we simply attract more negative! Once we can "unlearn" these beliefs and clear away negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones, then our energy shifts and we begin to manifest anything we want easily and quickly. The Law of Attraction starts to work and we attract what and who we need to be successful!

I myself thought that I had forgiven all the people of my past that had done wrong to me but after doing the certification process I came to realize that I indeed had not! Once I was able to truly and deeply forgive loved ones... magical things happened for me! I am attracting all kinds of things and have a huge weight lifted off me that I wasn't even consciously aware of!

Shifts in your energy and thoughts take you to a whole other space and level of consciousness where you are able to focus and direct thoughts on positive things in your life! Rather than dwelling in the past and believing what your mother, sister, best friend or co-workers tell you... choose peaceful and harmonious thoughts! FORGIVE and "LET GO" of judgmental anger! You will be the winner and achieve all you desire!
So in answer to the question "Can the Law of Forgiveness really help you achieve your goals"? ABSOLUTELY!!!!
Forgive someone today and watch the magic unfold. Your life will never be the same!
To Your Happiness!!
The Happy Mom
Remember happiness is a thought away. Download a Free Ebook by visiting for tips and tools on happiness, abundance and success
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