Mar 8, 2013

8 Ways For The Super Sleepy to Stay Awake

how to stay awake when you are tired
We’ve all felt our eyes shutting on their own whilst we need to appear and very well be as awake as possible. There’s an art to staying awake all night when studying or partying is in need, so there must be an art to staying awake all day too! Fear no more ladies, here are 8 bright and breezy ways to stay awake when you need to most.

1. Do something physically active every 30 to 60 minutes. Whether this be walking, jogging, push ups or jumping rope it will all help. This tip may be difficult if you are at work so just try to walk around and keep active during the day as much as you can, this will keep the blood flowing around your body equally and will help oxygen reach the important parts of your body.

2. Try and expose yourself to as much light as possible. It is advisable that this light be natural because artificial and harsh lights can often cause sore eyes and headaches. Also keeping yourself in dark or dim rooms will just make your brain think it is time for sleep and will make you feel more tired.

3. Drink as much water as possible. Dehydration causes fatigue which is the absolute last thing you need when you feel tired, it can also cause headaches. So drinking as much water will help keep you hydrated and feeling less tired. Plus, all the extra toilet breaks you’ll need are an excuse to re-do your make up and check you don’t look too much like a zombie!

4. Drink caffeine if you must but NOT a lot all at once, drink it gradually throughout the day then you will avoid the caffeine up and then down. Also try and make sure the caffeine is in Tea/Coffee form and not energy drinks. The sugar in these drinks will certainly give you a quick sugar rush but will just add to the tiredness when the sugar rush is over.

5. Graze lightly on foods high in protein every few hours, so food suchs as almonds, eggs and cashews. These protein rich foods are in addition to fruits and vegetables. NEVER eat a heavy starchy meal when you’re tired, this will only slow you down more!

6. Splash cold water on your wrists and face to keep you alert, also chewing gum or ice will keep your mind stimulated!

7. Using accupressure can make you feel more alert, so give it a try when you’re feeling tired at work or on the train! Pulling down lightly on your earlobes, rubbing the back of your hands with your thumb and forefinger and pressing against below the back of your knee will help make you feel more alert, and can be done in the office without people wondering what on earth you’re doing…

8. Listen to upbeat music. This may be the last thing you want to do when you’re feeling tired and want to go home to bed but give it a try! Listening to your favourite upbeat music will better your mood and make you feel more awake as it stimulates emotions and will engage different parts of your brain too!
Obviously the best tip of all is to make sure you get enough sleep so this type of thing doesn’t happen, so for tips on a better nights sleep, check out ‘6 Tips For A Good Nights Sleep!
So stay hydrated, well (and healthily fed) and in a light and well ventilated area and you’re good to go. Good luck with being sleep deprived, as always keep those beautiful eyes on DropOfPink!


I am a beauty journalist, writing about all things beauty to help all of you lovely ladies! I also edit and publish all of the content on DropOfPink. If you would like to write for DropOfPink don't hesitate to contact me! :) xo

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